Daum Nancy Grapes Vase | Value and Appraisal

Daum Nancy Grapes

The Daum Nancy grapes vase is one of the most reproduced vases done in the Daum Nancy style. Some pictures of authentic Daum Nancy vases are below. The grapes scene was likely chosen to reproduce because it is very simple. It usually includes a few large leafs, curled vines, and a bunch or two of grapes. Fake Daum Nancy grapes don’t have the detail in the leaves that you would normally see in authentic pieces. The fakes still say Daum Nancy though. The fakes also tend to be larger in size. I have also seen Daum Nancy grape fakes done for lamps.

We do buy Daum Nancy grape scenes. Please contact us and tell us what you have.



Daum Nancy Grapes Vase



Daum Nancy Grapes Vase


Daum Nancy Grapes

Daum Nancy Grapes Vase